At the beginning of the fall semester, the seniors organize this ceremony to welcome freshmen to campus. While gathered at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, seniors gift freshmen an acorn and share stories about The Woods. 这个仪式的名字来源于美丽的校园环境——四周都是橡子和橡树.
The Oakleaf Ceremony
考虑到森林中难以形容的魔力和宁静的保证是它最持久和最珍贵的两个特点, 我们应该举办一场伤感而隐秘的成人仪式来恰当地表达他们的情感. 橡树叶仪式是教师和高年级之间的传统. During this commemoration, seniors are inducted into the alumni association, by turning their rings around. 这是橡子长成橡树的有力象征.
What an excellent display of the Pomeroy spirit. SMWC和罗斯-霍尔曼理工学院之间的家乡冬季篮球赛, this annual competition has resulted in 13 trophies for The Woods. 这场比赛证明了波默罗伊兄弟的运动能力和不可动摇的自豪感.
Midnight Breakfast
Kicking off finals week is the Midnight Breakfast. 教师和工作人员烹饪并为学生提供美味的早餐. 这个有趣的活动向学生们展示了教师和工作人员对他们学业成功的支持.
Ring Day Pounding
As Ring Day gets closer, SMWC的学生们聚集在奥肖内西食堂的一张桌子旁,一边敲打桌子,一边唱着大日子的倒计时. Around the room, 每个已经获得戒指的波默罗伊都站在椅子上,手高高举起, showing the ring proudly. 这个传统是学生们对即将到来的典礼表达兴奋的一种方式.
As the title suggests, this is a celebration through song. 每年秋天,一本书的歌曲被传递给低年级. 新班级为这本有几十年历史的书创作原创歌曲, and also perform new and old songs. These songs are a coveted secret of Pomeroys. 这段经历会告诉你与过去联系在一起是什么感觉, while also creating something special for the future.
Alternative Spring/Fall Break
Each semester, 一个由15名左右的学生和3名监护人组成的小组自愿在全国各地和国外贡献他们的时间,努力回馈社会. Past trips have included environmental work in Pensacola, Florida, home repairs for residents of the Appalachian region, 与当地居民一起祈祷,探索多米尼加共和国的文化,并在新奥尔良的“启智计划”中与年幼的孩子们一起工作.
大/小传统证明了所有的波默罗伊不仅仅是一个名字. Through this thriving custom, 一年级学生受到高年级学生(他们的老师)的照顾。. 一年级的学生被教导学院的价值观和传统,并通过森林的方式引导. 这种指导给新生一种赋权感,社区感和自豪感. 传统上,大雕像要么在勒弗大厅的大理石楼梯上,要么由大雕像以一种创造性的方式展示给小雕像. While the Big/Little program is a tradition, each student can decide whether he/she wants to participate.
Equine Holiday Ride
When imagining this lively tradition, 保罗·里维尔骑着他的骏马进城了, only imagine he is bearing the joyful news. The Equine Holiday Ride takes place on study day before finals, 它包括高级马术学生和我们的一些员工骑马, from building to building on campus, singing Christmas carols. It starts early in the morning, 当年长的人去挑选他们的马,装饰他们的节日. Such a unique tradition breeds widespread joy and holiday spirit, 同时也给伍兹带来了一种传染性的兴奋感——更不用说缓解了期末考试周的一些压力.
International Ring
For Saint Mary-of-the-Woods students who spent time studying abroad, 这枚戒指提醒着他们在异国他乡改变人生的经历. For international students, 这枚戒指代表了森林之旅和美国生活的高潮. 在国际戒指日期间,这些学生被授予这些戒指, which takes place in the spring semester.